HCG-Based Diets in Springfield TN


Medical researchers around the globe are now marveling at the effects a well-studied hormone is having on patients’ bodies. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone that is produced during pregnancy to help the baby grow and sustain its weight until it is born.

Research teams have now created HCG-based diets, which capitalize on the use of the hormone, as well as strict calorie restriction, to help patients cut their weight levels dramatically in a short space of time. In this article, our team at Advanced Medical Weight Loss Center provide an overview of HCG-based diets in Springfield TN.

Based on a Proven Protocol

The HCG diet is based on a proven weight loss protocol created by Dr. A. T. W. Simeon. The protocol combines HCG with specific meal plans and medical supervision to help patients reduce their weight over time. It’s a protocol designed to increase the fat burning process while keeping the body energized throughout the day. While undergoing the protocol, the body can burn up to 3500 calories a day while the patient is restricted regarding their calorie consumption. HCG helps support the fat burning process to fine-tune the body and help patients maximize dietary efficiency.

A Number of Clear Benefits in Springfield TN

Despite its relatively short history, the HCG diet has proven to offer numerous clear benefits to those with weight loss challenges. One of the most important is that patients can significantly reduce their weight in a short space of time. Many people undertaking the HCG diet see significant weight loss results in the first 6-to-8 weeks, unlike other diets, which may require three to four months before seeing the first results.

What Does the HCG Injection Process Involve?

When beginning their HCG diet, many patients are concerned about the injections they must have to go through the full process effectively. A typical program at a respected health care facility will include 45 HCG injections. These injections help to increase the patient’s energy levels while mitigating many of the jitteriness and nervousness associated with other dietary stimulants. Patients may also benefit from enhanced sleep and improved clarity of thought after undergoing the HCG injections.

Who is the Ideal HCG Patient?

The HCG diet is suitable for a broad range of weight loss patients. But it’s especially useful for those who have experienced significant weight fluctuations in recent years. The HCG diet will help patients to manage their weight effectively. And when completed alongside a qualified nutritional counseling specialist, it can help the patient to gain a greater level of control over their eating habits and sustain their weight loss over many years.

By helping patients in Springfield proactively address their weight loss issues, and using the HCG diet protocol to ensure their personal weight loss success, we can help individuals achieve their unique health objectives. It’s an exciting development in the weight loss marketplace, and our team at Advanced Medical Weight Loss Center is available now to help you move forward in implementing the HCG diet protocol today.


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8:30am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm

2:00pm - 5:30pm

8:30am - 12:30pm

Saturday & Sunday

Advanced Medical Weight Loss Center

2308 Memorial Blvd
Springfield, TN 37172

(615) 382-8143